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Male - Neutered

AKC registered - DN34273006

DOB: 07/20/2012

Weight: 38lbs

Height: 20.75"

Although Nova is full registration, he came into my life as a pet-only from not the best places with no intentions of breeding. Because of his poor breeding background and early temperament issues we have neutered Nova. He spends his time as our full-time goober and has matured into a loving boy.

Nova is my first Border Collie before I learned how to be selective against BYB (backyard breeders) versus truly responsible breeders. He had early challenges that helped us both grow. That being said, Nova knows how to work a person from across the room, wiggling his whole self to get you to come over and love him. He's very social and sweet. He attended college classes and studio time with me, obtained a Therapy License through Therapy Dog International to visit people in nursing homes and hospitals, and learned that sticking his tongue out cracks me up, so he does it a lot! He's getting older and slowing down, but I don't think he knows it. He's more independent, not a super snuggler, but always comes to console me when I've had a hard day. At agility, he can handle under anyone and focuses his very best every time! My agility instructors have dubbed him my "Steady Dog".

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